Whats the deal?
Is aau just a giant scam or is it really a decent school?
I really want to attend an art school that is reputable and will help me succeed in my chosen major, which will most likely be photography. Currently I live in southern california and am dying to get away. So distance is definitely a factor.
Im just curious as to what everyone else thinks of academy of art u and their experience with them. As well as any other good art schools throughout the country that arent like amazingly difficult to get into. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Academy of Art and other art schools?
One of the things that I like about AAU is also one of the things that cause it problems - its admissions policies. It admits students without requiring a portfolio. While that's great, in that it allows students who didn't have a chance to put together a portfolio a chance to study at a real art school, it also impacts its reputation. In addition, because a portfolio is not required, a lot of kids get in there who end up being ill-prepared for art school, and they crash and burn. In addition, because it's an art school, if they get there and, ill prepared, realise that art isn't for them, they can't just change their major - they have to leave. The school also has a rep for having a bit of a high-pressure approach to admissions (I don't know if that's actually true.) Lastly, they're more of a career-focused art school. I actually think that's a good thing, but it means that they aren't as... I don't know, academic, maybe? esoteric, certainly, as some other art schools. Still, the thing is, if you graduate from this school - if you apply yourself and do well, you'll have a solid portfolio, you'll probably have work experience in your field, and you will be a good artist. I feel it's kind of a school that, to be honest, lets almost anyone IN, but graduates ONLY those students who can do the work.
It did just become regionally accredited, which is a *very* good thing.
If you feel AAU is a good fit for you, and you'll do well there, then go there. But go there knowing its faults, and make sure that when you come out, you have both related work experience and a smashing portfolio. In that way, you'll get work.
Another school with a far better rep than AAU, and which also doesn't require a portfolio, is Savannah College of Art and Design. That's a good art school, although not among the elite. It is reputable, though. I like it. Again, good quality graduates.
Other quality art schools with decent reputations, but which aren't so hard to get into, are:
- Art Academy of Cincinnati 95%
- California College of the Arts 78%
- Cleveland Institute of Art 67%
- College of Visual Arts (MN) 99%
- Columbus College of Art 63%
- Cornish College of the Arts 65%
- Kansas City Art Institute 72%
- Maine College of Art 76%
- Milwaukee Institute of Art 75%
- Minneapolis College of Art 70%
- Montserrat 82%
- Moore College of Art 65%
- Ringling College 73%
In that list, you'll see the name of the school, and next to it, their approximate rate of acceptance. So for example, Art Academy of Cincinnati accepts 95% of its applicants.
I also want to add two more schools which place in the top 5 photography programs in the US, and yet which, as schools, aren't super horrible to actually get into:
- U New Mexico
- Rochester Institute of Tech
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