Saturday, November 19, 2011

Greek art question???

i have art homework and i need to know the most important arts that exist in the history of greek art....also if you know a website that has images of them too.

Greek art question???
Some of the most influential masterpieces of the western world were created as the result of a two century long building program in Archaic and Classical Acropolis. In the 6th century BCE a multitude of freestanding votive Kouroi and Korai were dedicated on the rock, and in the 5th century BCE the sculptures of the Parthenon lead the classical evolution.

Some of the most influential masterpieces of the western world were created as the result of a two century long building program in Archaic and Classical Acropolis. In the 6th century BCE a multitude of freestanding votive Kouroi and Korai were dedicated on the rock, and in the 5th century BCE the sculptures of the Parthenon lead the classical evolution.

Charioteer of Delphi

The Charioteer of Delphi is one of the most important sculptures of ancient Greece partly because it vividly represents the passage from the Archaic conventions to the Classical ideals. It exemplifies the balance between stylized geometric representation and idealized realism, thus capturing the moment in history when western civilization leaped forward to define its own foundations that braced it for the next few millennia.


Kouros, as was the case with the Kore statues, were almost always approximately life-size (some much larger), and with few exceptions were made of marble. They are depicted standing in a frontal pose with their left leg moved forward, their arms close to their bodies touching the side of their thighs, and they exhibit an almost strict symmetry as the different parts of the anatomy are depicted as simple geometric forms.

Minoan Art

What has survived to our day from Minoan art provides insight into the culture that flourished in Crete during Prehistoric times. The art of the minoans speak of a society of joyous disposition, in touch with their environment, and in awe of the logical order of the natural world. Above all, the unearthed artifacts reveal a people who had developed a high degree of self-respect and a keen eye for observing and adopting to their physical environment.

Here is a link to an AWESOME website about Greek art from ancient Greece and beyond...includes LOTS of info!

BEST OF LUCK TO YOU - and yup, you're welcome!
Reply:Hello Carolina.

I don't knovv too much about greek art and vvhich one vvas the most important, but I knovv for sure that The Parthenon is one of them. It's construction vvas so advanced it is still mind-boggling to masons, artists and anyone really to this very day. Vee~ has given you a great ansvver so check the links.

Hope this helps. Take care.

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.

Reply:ALL kinds of art developed in Greece(until the 80s that is)

now art here sucks.I'm saying this even though both of my parents are greek painters lol

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