Thursday, August 19, 2010

Modern art vs post modern art?

what do you think the differences are between modern art and postmodern art?

Modern art vs post modern art?
Here's one answer:

Modernism in general was posited on that Cartesian move of radical doubt -- the past is generally all lies, so to get to the truth, we have to apply a radical skepticism -- doubt everything until we find what is really true.

So modernist artists tried to explode some of the old "lies" of previous art (for example, the "lie" of realistic illusions, perspective, chiaroscuro, etc.)

Cubism, for instance, tried to show something true about the way we see things -- the fact that three-dimension is a synthetic illusion, and actually we see a series of two dimensional planes

Other post-modern thinkers tried to show how REASON was not the basic groundwork of reality -- that the human mind was actually a chaos of warring impulses. So we get Freud and surrealism and what not.

The thing is ... the modernists believed that you COULD destroy illusion and achieve that certainty -- once you'd scarped away all the illusion, you'd get to a bedrock of truth that you could then build on.

The POST-MODERNISTS, on the other hand, realize that the modernist bedrock of truth is just as contingent, just as historically and culturally shaped as anything that came before it.

In other words, you can never get outside culture, outside history.

Think of modernist architecture. It eschewed ornamentation and thought it could design according to truth -- pure scientific principles of materials and functions.

Now we see that modernist design was just as ... "of the moment" ... just as culturally determined as high baroque.

buck teeth

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