Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who owns looted art?

I am doing a research paper for class and would just like to hear some other peoples opinions.

Art throughout history has been looted and taken from their original place of origin. Tombs have been looted and artifacts bought by private collectors. Pieces of art considered masterpieces would not be permitted to be destroyed, even if "owned" by an art enthusiast. So the questions remains, who owns art? Who does it belong to once it has been looted from another country or tomb?

Who owns looted art?
The Country or Person/decendants are the rightful owner of the stolen artifact, artwork, thing of worth
Reply:I think looted art should be returned as best as possible to the people or place from which it was taken.

I understand that this is very difflcult to prove but if evidence is provided it should be returned.

If the exact person cannot be identified (if it was privately owned) then the country should get it.

human teeth

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