Monday, August 16, 2010

When viewing nude art photos...?

If a nude posed photo is art... how does one know if he is viewing it in that way that is apreciating the art of it and not in the way that is arousing, like pornography? If he isn't getting an erection, but is yet drawn to the beauty of the smooth skin and curves of the nude model, and even beautiful parts of the model, like the breasts and other body parts... can all this be done and still be called just appreciating art... or is this getting off? I'm a man, and of course, I like women. Like all men I like different parts of a woman's body sexually. How can I know that I am appreciating art and not sinning by lusting and coveting?

When viewing nude art photos...?
Lust is ok -- we give these natural sexual impulses too much baggage. I found that I was able to -- ironically -- be more loving when I allowed myself to lust.
Reply:It is said "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

I guess like most all men you commit sin by lust and coveting. Most people know what is "art " and what is" pornography" I say it is pornography if it isn't embraced as ART by the most liberal of the crowd. I also say to each his own as long as no one is being hurt , and all are consenting adults let there always be Art and the not quite Art.
Reply:Well, if you are speaking of lust as a sin according to God, than you should not be looking at the nude "art" to begin with. A nude is a nude is a nude. It's not art. It's a way for society corrupt spirituality.
Reply:The difference between some art and pornography can be difficult to tell. If an artist makes something and calls it art, well then it's art. On the other hand a pornographer is making images intended to "get you off". Even trickier, an artist can make an image intended to arouse you, call it art, and it's art. You have to ask yourself why you're looking at these images. If you're on a porn website you're not looking at art. If you're at a gallery looking at provocative photos, and you're aroused, perhaps that was the artists intention. I say don't beat yourself up about it either way.
Reply:You are destined to sin in this fashion since you are biologically into the womenfolk.

Unless you only look at art featuring unattractive people or naked dudes.

Why do you think someone went to the effort of making the nude art in the first place?
Reply:Keep it simple and just enjoy. If you are obsessed, you'll know.
Reply:Feast your eyes on beauty...

A story: When my uncle looked at a beautiful woman, his wife smacked him. He said: All I was doing was looking? Her answer: You looked too long.

Appreciate the "art" simply; let go of the fantasy of "coveting." :-)
Reply:if you're getting off on picasso or vermeer then you got serious maturity issues...
Reply:The human body is not pornographic.

Only a sick person would consider the human body to be pornographic.
Reply:for starters put that ky jelly away. . .

Racing Shoes

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