Monday, August 16, 2010

Best Martial Art or no?

I believe the philosophy that any martial art can beat any other martial art, and that the only thing that matters is the skill level of the opponents.

Still, Are their some martial arts where little skill is needed to beat some one who has more skill in a different martial art? Which ones are generally better than other?

Best Martial Art or no?
In any fight it is the fighter who has the combination of skill, will, physical stamina,and experience.

There are some arts which are really junk. There are some schools that teach a good art poorly. It really comes to the individual to gain enough knowledge to know what he doesn't know. This is called wisdom.

I never assume someone can't win a fight just because he trained in a different art than me. That would be unwise.
Reply:have you watched the bruce lee movie? best martial art is no martial art..... but a mixture of all martial art....

plus size counts too.... you can have the most skillful 130 pound Guy, he stands no chance VS a 270 pound guy w/ little skill. The sheer size is too overwhelming, thats why they have weight classes in MMA.... "mixed martial arts"

Although, back in the early days of UFC when there were no weight classes, the legendary Royce Gracie defeated all his foes. WHY? because no one could defend against his martial art. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was that Martial Art. In essense Brazilian jiu jitsu is a ground grappling fighting style. His foes used various fighting styles from karate to boxing.

But the times have changed, and instead of fighting with one style, it is key to learn how to fight/defend against all styles/ all martial art.
Reply:Krav Maga is the best self defense marial art taught today,this style teaches you discipline and how to survive
Reply:i agree with you
Reply:That's GUN-FU, you only need one finger to beat the other.
Reply:That's a misconception. The arts used to be more complete. That's why there's old style martial arts which are almost nonexistant now.

Initially people could fight however wanted basically because it was battlefield fighting. Then some conquering and elimination of things in conquered countries. Then in countries there was a time of relative peace when most martial arts became less martial because they weren't for war but for self defense.

Even boxing and wrestling used to be a part of one system as in pancration which shows that arts used to be much more complete. As well Indian martial arts spawned the arts in the area of asia (China, Thailand, the Philippines, Okinawa), and capoera (a blend of martial art, game, and culture) comes from African slaves in Brazil in the 16th century.

Then as they had to gear toward certain laws or situations within the culture. Such as in England. The English valued sporting things like fox hunting, croquet, and look what boxing evolved into. The queensbury rules came after martial pugilism.

As these laws were forced to evolve by the conditions around them such as laws and values, and the experience of their founders, they began to specialize more as they were passed to the intervening generations which then further refined them and specialized them. All the martial arts today are root specializations of what could have previously been THE origional martial art.

But all these different specializations became so separated that its sort of like they contain bits and piceces of a complete system.

So in answer they are all just specializations none is the best.
Reply:It's not so much the martial art as the skill of mind one has. If you don't know how to apply your skills, you will be a weaker fighter. If one masters a single skill and knows exactly how and when to use it, they can defeat anyone who knows all skills but not when to use them.

"Martial Arts here, not here"
Reply:Anyone can get caught. There are no best arts just better individuals.

canine teeth

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