Monday, August 16, 2010

Controversial Art and Censorship?

example of a 20th century controversial work of art from any discipline of the humanities (music, literature, sculpture, film, etc.) and an accompanying statement from the artist(s). Based on your example, to what extent does controversial art make a social contribution? Are governments ever justified in censoring art?

Controversial Art and Censorship?
I could write a whole page...but instead I will just give you some names and you can decide yourself. Robert Mapplethorpe and Andreas Serrano ---with the whole NEA drama, and Richard Serra's 'Tilted Arc'.
Reply:Any work in any medium that causes audiences to stop, think, question, reassess...has positive social value.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Check out Clevelands' most notorious fine artist, Marc Breed. A fetish photographer who has left his work out, as found art everywhere he's lived. Cleveland Interracial Foxy-Boxing, and Miss Cleveland Crackhead Pageant, are fine examples of his social-commentary negative space artworks.

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