Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is Art and Craft the same thing? What makes it Art?

I say a craft can be art but art is what it is and can not be a craft.

Is Art and Craft the same thing? What makes it Art?
Art is an act of creation, when images and objects, sights and sounds, or drawings and carvings convey the beauty and splendor of the world, or realize the imagination of the artist, for the purpose of self-expression or the shared enjoyment of its creation. Art is that which elevates our interpretation of the world and of ourselves from simple description or narrative to the sublime.

A craft is a skill, especially involving practical arts. It may refer to a trade or particular art.

Crafts as artistic practices are defined either by their relationship to functional or utilitarian products, such as sculptural forms in the vessel tradition, or by their use of such natural media as wood, clay, glass, textiles, and metal. Folk art follows craft traditions, in contrast to fine art or high art. Craft or craft work is also a general term given to activity by people in a covern or an occult group.
Reply:The concept of art is abstract and origins in the eye of the beholder.

Craft is something usefull in the everyday life.
Reply:ART has not always been what we think it is today. An object regarded as Art today may not have been perceived as such when it was first made, nor was the person who made it necessarily regarded as an artist. Both the notion of "art" and the idea of the "artist" are relatively modern terms.

I included a link to "What is Art", an essay from by Leo Tolstoy. Continue reading in the included sources....

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